Guest Speaker and Workshop w/Rev Lisa Rae Brooks

Guest Speaker and Workshop w/Rev Lisa Rae Brooks (Sunday, June 18th)

This Sunday, June 18th 2017.  Services start at 11:00am and Workshop will begin at around 1:45pm following our pot luck fellowship

Rev Lisa Rae is an ordained Interfaith Minister and views her gifts of teaching, healing and coaching others so that they may find their own gifts, as her personal journey.  She is rewired and retired from her mid-level executive position after 25 years in the Telecommunications Industry.  She received several awards from within her organization, but one of her most prized awards was being named the 2012 Woman of the Year by the National Association of Professional Women.

She spent 15 years in the area of training helping people understand complex concepts in a relatively easy fashion. On the personal side, Lisa is a mother, a sister, an aunt, stepmother, step-grandmother, great aunt, friend and neighbor.  She enjoys time with her family, friends and co-workers.  She enjoys spectator sports, especially football, as well as participatory sports as evidenced by her 13 years whitewater rafting.  Lisa also loves amusement parks even though she very recently gave up roller coaster riding as it no longer seems to like her.  One of her greatest gifts is her humor and her love of her fellow human beings.  She is A Messenger of Love.

Sermon: Get Out of the Way of Your Faith
How your choices in life when supported by your faith, can keep you and move you to whatever you desire in life.  Making miracles happen in life while simply holding on to your faith.

Workshop:  Embracing Another’s Spiritual Personality
(aka “I AM WE”)
This course grew out of the understanding that as we are all one, we can tap into aspects and gifts of others.  We can focus our intention on an individual alive or on the other side of the veil.  With this practice we can immediately be imbued with a skill set, or understanding of another, for however short or long a time that it is needed.
In this 90 minute workshop, you will:

  • Learn the principles around this capability and how it came into being
  • Learn how to tap into this capability
  • Meditate with the intention of connecting to a capability of another

Come learn how the energy of oneness that is now becoming more prevalent on our Earth plain, can work for you.

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